The National Thanksgiving Turkey, President Obama and Me

It’s a good day at work when you find yourself in the North Lawn of the White House. My assignment: attend the pardoning ceremony — where President Obama officially pardons the National Thanksgiving Turkey — and make sure the lucky bird and his alternate board United Turkey-1 (yes, that’s the official FAA name) for Los Angeles. I didn’t pull off this feat alone. I’m with an amazing team of Disneyland Cast Members who made sure this all happened without a hitch.

The turkeys, “Courage” and “Carolina” are on their way as we speak. Tomorrow “Courage” will star in the “Give a Day. Get a Disney Day” Thanksgiving Parade on Main Street, U.S.A at Disneyland park. He and the alternate, “Carolina,” will live out the rest of their days at Big Thunder Ranch. Take a look at today’s video from the White House and Dulles International Airport. Enjoy!


  • OMG! I hadn’t heard about this until this morning. L and I were at DL yesterday. We passed by Big Thunder Ranch, noticing the turkey pens labeled with their names on it, unknowing that these two were on the way there. When we go back to DL next time, we’ll have to stop by and see them. 🙂

  • I agree – lucky turkey, I want to go to Disneyland!

  • Lucky Turkey! Happy Thanksgiving!

    :0) Terri from Texas

  • Glad to see that this tradition started by George Herbert Walker Bush continues…

  • Valarie, this is another classic moment. Thanks for sharing this.

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