Animal Pop Quiz Answers

Below are the answers to the questions that can be found in this Wildlife Wednesday post.

Animal Pop Quiz Answers

  1. How many lions typically make up a family group, or pride?
    ANSWER: A pride is made up of 20-30 lions, most of which are closely related females and their cubs.
  2. Guests can see a critically endangered Sumatran tiger on the Maharajah Jungle Trek at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. How many of these tigers exist in the wild?
    ANSWER: Sadly, only 400 Sumatran tigers are left in the wild. It’s estimated that only 2,500 tigers exist worldwide.
  3. How can you tell the difference between a black rhino and a white rhino? (HINT: It’s not the color of their skin; both are gray.)
    ANSWER: Their mouths are different. White rhinos are grazers that feed on grass and low vegetation, so they have a wide, square mouth and lips adapted to pulling up large swaths of grasses. Black rhinos are browsers—they get most of their sustenance from eating trees and bushes—so they have a triangular, hooked upper lip that can grab tree branches and pull down leaves.
  4. Other than humans, elephants do something that few other animals are known to do. What is it?
    ANSWER: Elephants are one of a few animals known to mourn the passing of another member of their species. Elephants encountering a dead elephant have been observed lingering for hours to smell a fallen friend, often lifting the bones and carrying them around.
  5. Gorillas share 98.3 percent of humans’ DNA. However, gorillas have two things humans do not. What are they?
    ANSWER: Gorillas have opposable big toes that can deftly pick up and manipulate objects, and noses that are so unique – no two are alike – that researchers use nose shapes to identify gorillas in the wild.
  6. How many species of sharks are there in the world?
    ANSWER: There are about 400 known species of sharks worldwide.
  7. Where do cotton-top tamarins live in the wild?
    ANSWER: Cotton-top tamarins are found in South America in the tropical forests of northwestern Colombia.
  8. How do female sea turtles choose where to lay their eggs?
    ANSWER: When they reach maturity – 25-50 years of age – female sea turtles return to the same beach where they were born to lay their eggs.
  9. Corals provide a home for what percentage of the oceans’ fish?
    ANSWER: Despite covering less than 1% of the ocean floor, coral reefs provide food and shelter to over 25% of fish in the ocean – up to 2 million marine species!
  10. Name a significant threat to migratory birds. How many birds are killed each year because of this threat?
    ANSWER: A major threat is from outdoor domestic and feral cats, which are estimated to kill up to 4 billion birds in the United States each year. Be a friend to wildlife and keep your cats indoors. On average, domestic cats that live indoors live twice as long as outdoor cats.