Video Shows Baby Goats at Circle D Corral

Heather Hust Rivera

by , Vice President, Consumer Products

This spring we shared photos of an expectant mama goat, Gadget, and later we proudly announced the birth of Gadget’s triplets with photos of the kids at Circle D Corral. Another goat, Mulan, had twins – Lilo and Stitch, and there have been even more births!

On May 5, Mama Jane had a girl, Briar Rose, and Mama Molly had triplets – Lock, Shock and Barrel. All of the goats ranged from 3 to 5 pounds when they were born.

Today, we’re sharing video of some of the goats playing at Big Thunder Ranch.

The goats have changed a lot since we shot this video – the kids are growing up too fast!


  • Very cute.

  • AWWWW this is super cute!!

  • They are sooooo cute! I just want to hug them!

  • Oh my goodness! They are too adorable…and boy are they lucky! They get to LIVE at Disneyland. Almost kinda makes ya wanna be a goat, huh? Hahaha! °o°

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