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Behind-the-Scenes Video: How to Decorate Pumpkins Like the Disneyland Resort Enhancement Team

Heather Hust Rivera

by , Vice President, Consumer Products

If you haven’t started carving that Halloween pumpkin, here’s a new idea! Have you ever considered turning the pumpkin on its side and using the stem as a nose? That’s a tip from Dave Caranci, a cast member from the Resort Enhancement Team at the Disneyland Resort who often thinks of new and different ways to decorate the Resort. Here’s how he and his team decorate the Resort for Halloween. You’re sure to pick up a new idea for this year or the next.

If you’d like to see more behind-the-scenes video showing how we decorate for Halloween, check out an earlier post yesterday about the giant pumpkins on Main Street., U.S.A., and at the entrance to Disneyland park.


  • So are those all real pumpkins and new ones are carved every year? Or are any of them the plastic ones you can find at craft stores that can be reused? I’ve always wondered, and those look pretty real…

  • LOVE all the pumpkins!!

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