More Behind the Scenes Stories

Every Role a Starring Role — Disney University Traditions Assistant

Melanie Vogel

by , Disneyland Resort

When attractions cast member Alyson Clancy isn’t sending guests on adventures in Frontierland or Adventureland, she welcomes new cast members to the Disneyland Resort as a Disney University Traditions Assistant. In this role, Alyson teaches the Traditions course, our version of first day orientation. See how Alyson inspires new cast to create happiness and bring magic to our guests in this episode of “Every Role a Starring Role”!


  • Very cool behind-the-scenes look. Thank you!

  • Wow this is awesome! It’d definitely be a dream of mine to work for Disney or even better, Disneyland at some point in my life.

    *thinks of Wishes fireworks show* Maybe it will come true some day 🙂

  • Going through Traditions for The Disney Store was one of the greatest experiences in my Disney history. I’m so glad I had an opportunity to take part in this program. 🙂

  • Hope to be taking this class sometime in the future 🙂 My second career will be as a photopass photographer! Now I just need to run away to Florida….

  • Perfect timing! I have Traditions next Friday at the Resort!

  • Ugh this makes me happy cry! I really want to become a CM. I basically am already. I go every week and when I’m there I pick up trash, I direct people to where they’re going, and I put merchandise back in its place when I see one on the floor or the wrong shelf.

  • This may be the wrong place to ask (and if it is, let me know where I should look: What prior experience do you need to be able to apply to this position? This is exactly the kind of work I would like to do and similar to what I currently do (I work for a university) but doing for Disney is my goal!

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