A Unique Point of View: Up Close with Colorful Characters in Mickey’s Toontown at Disneyland Park

Erin Glover

by , Director, Publicity, Walt Disney Animation Studios

Mickey’s Toontown at Disneyland park is a colorful feast for the eye as well as the camera lens. From the buildings to the interactive gags, a surprise is found around every corner. And the friendly – and sometimes wacky – faces you see as you stroll through this one-of-a-kind neighborhood are just as colorful as their surroundings. Let’s take an up-close look at some of the colorful characters of Mickey’s Toontown.


This guy doesn’t seem to mind if you tap on the glass. He’s always smiling!


Is that your reflection or just a handsome neighbor?


You look gourd-geous in those glasses.

Which is your favorite Mickey’s Toontown resident?


  • The Pumpkin is the face of past Disneyland president Jack Lindquist.

  • I love the gas station fish.

  • Who can pick just one favorite! We love Toontown!

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