Meet the Jeevanayagams: Finalists for the Disney and Points of Light Volunteer Family of the Year

Thomas Smith

by , Editorial Content Director, Disney Experiences

Earlier today, the Jeevanayagam family from Suwanee, Georgia became one of the five finalists in the running to be named the Disney and Points of Light Volunteer Family of the Year! 

The Jeevanayagams have been volunteering with Spectrum Autism Support Group for more than six years. Parents, Nicky and Jacob, along with twins, Luke and Hannah exemplify what it means to give back and are always the first to show up whenever there is a need in their community. Including their son with autism in their volunteering work, not only provides him with valuable experience, it also helps others see that everyone can contribute and make a difference, regardless of ability. The Jeevanayagam family’s volunteer work includes fundraising, organizing events, recruiting new volunteers and leading the way by inspiring others in their community with their commitment to service.

Disney and Points of Light Volunteer Family of the Year logo

The Jeevanayagams were one of thousands of families across the country nominated for the Disney and Points of Light Volunteer Family of the Year contest by schools and nonprofits registered with the Disney Family Volunteering Reward Program. They now join the Orlando, Aguirre and Bell-Wallace families, as one of the five finalists in the running to win.

On Friday Oct. 11, Good Morning America will launch a nation-wide online vote where you will be able to vote for the family that you think should be named the first ever Disney and Points of Light Volunteer Family of the Year!

Make sure you tune into GMA and visit Disney Parks Blog on Friday for a recap of the all the amazing finalists and details on how you can vote! You can also join the conversation by sharing the families’ stories using #VolunteerTogether

The winning family will be announced on GMA on Nov. 1 and will receive a dream vacation to Walt Disney World where they will be the guests of honor at a special event to celebrate Family Volunteer Day on Nov. 23. The nonprofit or school who nominated the family will also receive $10,000 to continue their important work in the community.

If you and your family would like to get involved with family volunteering, you can visit Points of Light to find opportunities in your area or search DIY projects that cover a variety of issue areas. Nonprofits and schools in the U.S. can join the Disney Family Volunteering Reward Program and earn Disney Parks tickets by hosting volunteer family events.



  • This family was a part of my school family when I was an administrator there and they are the real thing!! They equally love and support the unique brilliance of both Luke (who has ASD) and Hannah (who is gifted). In addition, they do so much to support and contribute to the local schools, the teachers, and the autism community as a whole. I feel so proud to have known this family and am whole-heartedly voting for them.

  • Beautiful family – inspirational and giving hope to others!

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