More Walt Disney World Resort Stories

Attention All Pirates! It’s Here at Walt Disney World Resort

Jean Volante

by , Floral Event Manager, Disney Floral & Gifts

Who could resist a Pirate Adventure prepared for you in your Walt Disney World resort room by none other than Captain Jack Sparrow?

As many of you know, I am all things “princess” but when I saw this new experience I temporarily set aside my tiara to join in this “Rrrrdventure.”

A Pirate Adventure Prepared by Jack Sparrow in your Walt Disney World Resort Room

Here’s the inside scoop. The story behind this experience is that our beloved captain was chased by a band of pirates and ducked into your resort room to hide his treasure. The Pirate Code states the treasure shall be yours if you can solve the riddles he left behind and find the key to unlock his treasure chest. Then the treasure chest will be yours to do with what you will. But what kicks this experience up a notch are the authentic pieces used to tell the story. Take a look at this room.

Motion-sensitive, Light Up 'Screaming Skull' and a Letter from Captain Jack

Here is some of what you’ll find. When you walk into the room, you’ll discover this motion-sensitive “screaming skull” that lights up (and yes, parents, you can turn the sound off). The skull is sitting next to the letter from Captain Jack and his quill used to pen the note.

A Jolly Roger and a Great Sword, Attached to an Adjustable Sash

There’s a tattered and distressed jolly roger and a great sword, which is attached to a sash so it’s adjustable. And yes, I did try it on even though it didn’t match my outfit.

A Pirate Adventure Prepared by Jack Sparrow in your Walt Disney World Resort Room

There’s also a pirate disguise, which includes a beaded goatee as well. (That, I did not try on).

Take a look at the pirate duffel bag in the foreground and the fish net in the background. The stage was fully set for the adventure!

A Pirate Adventure Prepared by Jack Sparrow in your Walt Disney World Resort Room

And what happens when you put three pirates together? We caught our team in the moment. The youngest son was trying to capture the treasure chest Dad is holding.

A Pirate Adventure Prepared by Jack Sparrow in your Walt Disney World Resort Room

Can you imagine your family doing the same thing?

Needless to say, I’m officially “hooked.” Who knows – maybe in a future post you might see me dolled up as Captain Jack with the goatee. What do you think?

If you want to learn more, click on to this “Me Pirate Adventure” link. It’s available for order now with delivery to your resort room starting Monday, October 21. What say you to that? Savvy?


  • I have had the opportunity to use Disney Floral and Gifts on several occasions, even having Birthday surprises delived to a few of the restaurants and I can say I have ALWAYS been very happy with thier products and service. I am sure the new Pirate Adventure package will be just as terrific. Disney Floral and Gifts is a hidden jem that more people need to know about!


  • Is there a comparable floral and gift service available for the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim? I loved what I saw when I looked at the website, but know that it’s far more likely for loved ones and I to go to the West Coast than Florida.

  • When I stayed at one of the Pirate rooms at Caribbean Beach last year, I thought it was cool but wasn’t super impressed.

    THIS would have made it impressive!

  • arrrr! What will they think of next!! Our whole family loves Jack Sparrow! My daughter would love that for her birthday!!

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