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Are You A Disney Genius? Prove It!

Jeffrey Epstein

by , Director, Corporate Communications, The Walt Disney Company

Disney Trivia Tournament at D23 Expo

Can you recall the first three E-Ticket attractions at Disneyland Resort that premiered in 1959? Do you know how many Academy Awards were personally awarded to Walt Disney? Which was the first animated Disney film that Alan Menken composed music for? If you know even some of these answers, you may want to head to the Anaheim Convention Center on Thursday, Aug. 18, for the Ultimate Disney Trivia Tournament presented by Hasbro Trivial Pursuit: Disney for All Edition!

The final rounds will be held as part of the D23 Expo — the ultimate Disney event for fans and families! — on Friday, Aug. 19, and the winner of the Tournament receives a special preview cruise on the Disney Fantasy! Here are five sample Disney Parks-related questions to whet your appetite for the fun (answers at the bottom, so don’t cheat!):

  1. The Matterhorn Bobsleds attraction at Disneyland park is based on what Disney live-action film?
  2. What is the name of the attraction that closely resembles The Haunted Mansion at Disneyland Paris?
  3. What Epcot attraction narrator makes a cameo appearance in the 2011 film “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides?”
  4. What Hong Kong Disneyland attraction features a thrilling finale where fire and water gods battle one another?
  5. Name the pet store once featured at Lake Buena Vista Village (today known as Downtown Disney Marketplace) in which guests could purchase hamsters, parrots, and … albino skunks?!

The first round starts at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, so rise and shine and remember what you learned in your “Disney A to Z!” Because you can’t win if you don’t play!


  1. Third Man on the Mountain
  2. Phantom Manor
  3. Dame Judi Dench (of Spaceship Earth)
  4. The Jungle River Cruise
  5. A: Posh Pets


  • I had a chance to take part in a preview of this at Destination D: WDW 40th in May. I didn’t win, but getting up on stage and answering a few questions got me ready for this. I’m studying every aspect of Disney, as there are a few things that are my weakness and I’m freshening up on other aspects. But I will be ready!! May the best Disney Trivia “Geek” win!! 🙂

  • I do not recall any bobsleds in “Third Man on the Mountain,” which doesn’t even reference the Matterhorn by name.

  • I wish I could go to see this. Oh please post video of some of the rounds for those of us unable to attend. I know it is going to be so much fun. Best of luck to all who enter! I’m rooting for ya. =)

  • How fun this would be to be a part of!

  • Andrew from GA, Third Man on the Mountain called the mountain the Citadel in the film. The film crew actually filmed on the real life Matterhorn in Switzerland (I think it was Switzerland!). Walt like it so much that he sent a postcard of the Matterhorn to his Imagineers with his handwritten “Build This” scrawled on it. That’s the history behind why there is a Matterhorn at Disneyland today.

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