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‘Princess Etch A Sketch’ Jane Labowitch Draws Upon Her Artistry to Create Sleeping Beauty Castle and Cinderella Castle

If you’re like me, you’ve enjoyed creating your own art on an Etch A Sketch®. Turn the knobs, create a “magic screen”-full of art, then shake it up and start all over again. Never in my wildest dreams, though, could I imagine completing Etch A Sketch drawings like those created by Jane Labowitch.

Jane, a 21-year-old artist in Chicago who is known professionally by the nickname “Princess Etch A Sketch,” began playing with the famous Ohio Art drawing toy at age four. In fact, she says her love of the Etch A Sketch actually has some Disney roots, thanks to a boost from Disney’s animated classic, “Aladdin.”

“When I was young, soon after ‘Aladdin’ was released on VHS, I used to watch it at my grandma’s house while playing around with my Etch A Sketch,” she remembers. “And when I was a kid, all I could really draw were staircases. But what inspired me to draw more was the scene in ‘Aladdin’ where he has to walk up the long flight of stairs to retrieve the magic lamp. I used to draw that scene all the time. Soon, the staircases started looking more detailed, and the boxy Aladdin became more and more detailed as I practiced.”

Today, we’re debuting two pieces Jane created especially for Disney ParksSleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland Resort and Cinderella Castle at Walt Disney World Resort — as our newest wallpaper downloads for you to enjoy. Using Yellow Shoes Creative Group’s photo studio, Disney Parks Blog author and photographer Matt Stroshane shot these images to insure they look as nice on screen as they do in person. But rest assured, no photo manipulation or post-production editing took place to create any part of this artwork. All of the work you see is a result of Jane’s single-line drawing on the famous toy. We hope you enjoy her work as much as we do. We’ve also included a gallery of images that Jane shot as she worked. Also included: a few close-ups, to give you a better look at the details of her intricate art.

Be sure to check out the terms of use about using the wallpaper before you download it.


And just in case you’re wondering, Jane’s favorite character in a Disney or Disney●Pixar film? No, not Aladdin. It’s “Etch,” who shared Andy’s room with the “Toy Story” gang and always was “fast on the draw” with his good pal Woody!

The Etch A Sketch® product name and configuration of the Etch A Sketch® product are registered trademarks owned by The Ohio Art Company.


  • That talent comes from Pixie Dust! Just Magical!

  • That is AMAZING!

  • Wonderful!

  • wow, pretty cool

  • Hi there i ditto that last comment .It’s so crazy & beautiful as well.I use to have 1of those when i was a kid & played with it a lot.I don’t think i could even draw that. IT’s so coollllll

  • That’s so crazy, and beautiful work WOW

  • That is incredible! I started out drawing staircases as well but, I only graduated to boxy buildings! Now, I know you Gary… please let me know if she’s done one of the Death Star? Great post! I’ll be sending this over to all my buddies!

  • These are unbelievable!!! She has amazing talent. I donwnloaded both and now need to decide which one goes on my screen first. Thank you for sharing these.

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